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Japanese words with numerous English translations : basic verbs
Written by Maciamo

見る (miru)

  • To see, look, watch, eye, view, regard, gape, gaze, goggle, ogle, squint, rubberneck, stare, leer, glance, glimpse, focus, observe, study, examine, inspect, scrutinize, scan, survey, contemplate, consider, peep, peek, take a dekko, take a look, take a butcher's, take a gander, take a shufti...

歩く (aruku)

  • walk, stroll, saunter, amble, pace, dawder, wander, meander, mosey along, foot, hoof, step, traipse, tread, troop, march, circumambulate, ambulate, perambulate, promenade, ramble, hike, tramp, lumber, plod, slog, stride, stump, trudge, wade, paddle...

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走る (hashiru)

  • run, leg, jog, hurry, hasten, dash, race, sprint, bolt, dart, gallop, scurry, scamper, charge along, speed along, scoot, hare, step on it, hotfoot it, stir one's stumps...

笑う (warau)

  • To smile, grin, laugh, titter, tee-hee, giggle, chuckle, chortle, guffaw, cackle, snigger, snicker, smirk, mock, jeer...

食べる (taberu)

  • To eat, devour, gulp down, slurp, swallow, bolt, munch, chew, crunch, nibble, gnaw, ingest, consume, bolt, wolf, tuck, snack, graze...

飲む (nomu)

  • To drink, slurp, gulp down, swallow, sip, sap, drain, quaff, toss off, guzzle, swig, swill, imbibe, partake off...

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