i checked each box except martial arts and j-pop.
  • Manga & Anime: i think i saw my first one with 14 or 15 (sheesh, already 8 to 9 years ago). it was "legend of the overfiend" and we watched it at a friend. but i dont know that many and just few good ones.
  • Video games: are great, though im more into pc's
  • Martial Arts: im not really into that, did judo for 3 to 4 years (like most people). now im more interested in kyudo in matters of sports.
  • Culture in general: a short time ago i presented work of mine about jomon culture, the prof was really pleased
  • J-pop: uhm, do i have to love it?
  • Japanese people (friendship or more): i have some friendships via email to japan but not as deep as i would like to.
  • Japanese language: part of my japanology studies
  • Japanese food: great one
  • Traditional Japan (tea ceremony, geisha, kabuki, noh, ikebana, ...): very interesting
  • Religion (shinto, buddhism, zen...): same too, in a summer seminar a japanese guest-prof tought us about ku, mu and extase and such things.

so much to learn, so few time.