No multi-culturalism - 99.8 percent one race! Everyone generally thinks the same way and paddles the same way up the river. Similarly, they agree with, generally accept, and follow the same rules. There is so little social confusion. And unlike some foreigners, I never complain about the system they put us through. I accept I am visitor (going on 10 years)and if I have renew my VISA every 3 years (and what a pain!), get fingerprinted at the airport, and many other little things just to live here under the rich umbrella of their socially-smooth-as-silk nation... so be it.

And as a people, the Japanese are easy and pleasent to live amongst. They are clean, well-dressed, polite, quiet, tolerant of those around them, and never stand on a soap box, stomp their feet and yell... "I got RIGHTS!! I'm an INDIVIDUAL... Listen to ME!!!" at the slightest sign of social inconvenience. Unlike most Westerners, the Japanese generally realise they the old adage, the needs of the many out weigh the needs of the few.

Now, if only there was more space, cheaper golf courses, and you could buy turkey at Thanksgiving... I would live here forever.