Oh that must be annoying, having to listen to fireworks every night. Especially with animals sensitive ears!
In NZ they only sell fireworks at one time of the year. They are banned at other times of the year, aside from special occasions where people pay big bucks to have a spectacular display.

Im a little peturbed about parents that allow their kids to play with fireworks, they should be enjoyed from afar, and not just randomly for the hell of it.

During my homeless stint they had those mini rocket thingees at the beach, and they were incredibly cheap and sold to anyone and everyone, regardless of whether they were too drunk, or too young. So the beach was a little dangerous at that time, and not so quiet.

Not sure how other countries rules and regulations work, but back home you have to be over 18 (maybe its 16) and as I said before, its only for one time of the year.
Also they are very cautious of animal and child safety. Therefore its enjoyable, because its safer.