Are Chinese culture(s) really that 'pure'? What we know as the Han Chineses are actually a complex mix of many different ethic groups, each with their own unique cultures. The Hakkas for instance orginated from the Northen China, currently settled largely in the Southen Guandong province, Fujian, Taiwan, Hong Kong and also many South East Asian countries. They were also said to be genetically more similar/much closer to the Koreans and Japanese compared that any other ethnic groups of China, now all assimulated under a common 'Han' ethnicity. The orginal language which they used to speak were also a lot more similar with Japanese than Chinese (and other dilects) with Japanese. Only comparatively recent were the Hakkas assimulated and accept as 'Han-Chinese'. This goes to show that 'Chinese' culture isn't that homogeneous or 'pure' as some might think, but is composed of a wide range of cultures and ethnics living in China. That's even though a large group of these different people were all lumped up as simply 'Han' Chinese. Kind of 'Borg' like if you'd ask me.