Hmm, still sounds better then the deal we've got in America.

With the exception of the pharmacy usage in Japan, it sounds just like most places in America.

I've lived in small places (Maine) and larger places (DC area).
You are extremely lucky if your doctor is open on weekends or past 4-6pm, you are lucky if ANY doctor in your town is open on the weekends, or late.
A house call? I don't know anyone who does that, I've never had a doctor come to me, that's a foreign concept.
Our alternatives often are to yes... go to a walk in clinic or hospital even IF you have a regular doctor because it can take days or weeks to get an appointment with your own family doctor.
Then once you get to said clinic/hospital you are waiting for hours to be seen, and then discharged.

Unless I'm on my death bed, I usually do not see a doctor. The last time I did was after 3 days with a fever of 104 (right before I left to Japan.) Going to Japan and wanting to be healthy while I was there was really the only reason I kicked my self all the way to the clinic 30 minutes away, to sit for 5 hours and pay $400.00 and then to suffer several more weeks on their extra strength Tylenol "treatment".
Go go American health system! -_-