I beleived japan to be so high tech, and as mentioned above full of polutions and the modern type great warrior on the corners of streets, I also thought that (in contridiction of myself) japan was full of passive people, takeing orders from westerners, bowing and removeing other peoples shoes as a form of respect ect, serving tea and constantly smileing at each other, respecting everybodies wishes and neglecting their own, this has been an image that I grew up with, maybe due to t.v and never really meeting a Japanese person in flesh and blood terms, The remarks in your post Maciamo, are very true to what I beleived, with the exception of those crumbling wooden houses that are still used for living in the center of tokyo, that shocks me!
I have never been to Japan, but its a passion of mine to travel there someday, and see Japan, Tokyo for myself, but untill then, its posts such as these that keep me totally hooked on this part of the world, and dream of one day walking down a street in Tokyo watching life pass me by,maybe sit and watch all that I have imagioned and learned about Japan unfold before my eyes,