Quote Originally Posted by ArmandV
With one, when she complemented me, I just couldn't resist the line Sean Connery used in You Only Live Twice, "Japanese proverb say, Bird don't build nest in bare tree."
HAHAHAAHAH...omg..that's SOOO funny

Well body hair has a function you know...without u get smelly..as hair has the function to absorb nasty,funky smells so u won't smell like a can of tunafish that's stuck in the fridge for 2 weeks !!!

Shaven Haven can be nice...But the "race stripe" can be nice too Bushes is something I'm neither that fond off...just trim it a bit.

Anyways ontopic: I like body hair in a small dosis.I like trimmed stuff..not COMPLETELY gone...but just a little, like little chesthair,little leg n armhair.I saw the spanish singer Ricky Martin and he had trimmed armpithair...so the whole metrosexual thing is extending to the celebritiesscene