Quote Originally Posted by thomas
What do you think about cyclists using their cell phones? Quite common here too.
Actually, it all depends. When there is no traffic and no pedestrians around, do what you want (at least I do). But when there is traffic or people around, I think, it's simply irresponsible not to have both hands at the handle bar (although, when you wear glasses when it rains, the situation might be just as dangerous even with both hands holding it). Cell phones may be easier to handle, but it still distracts you.

I agree, the fines are too high. That's why the regulation does not seem to be enforced. Sadly.
Typical politician thought. "If we make the fines high enough, people will be so afraid that they automatically stick to the rules." Does not really work this way.

My solution: I only ride on streets. Car traffic is so much safer.
I most often ride on the streets as well. Simply because you can drive faster there. Car drivers usually pay much more attention than pedestrians.

Quote Originally Posted by Maciamo
When going to work in suits there is no appropriate clothing. Btw, I find that pedestrians with umbrellas are more annoying that cyclists with umbrella, because they care much less, chat together without looking at whom they direct their umbrella, and usually do not try to avoid hitting people, while cyclists like me swerve their umbrella from left to right on purpose to slalom between the slow pedestrian crowd.
Actually, there are special anoraks for cyclists, some poncho-like thingies, very thin & light, can be carried in a trousers' pocket. Much better than an umbrella, although it might look ridiculous.
When you are slow enough, it might not be too dangerous, but I would still avoid to use an umbrella.

I definitely agree on pedestrians with umbrellas. That's a reason why I try to avoid to go to the city centre when it rains.

Quote Originally Posted by Lina Inverse
Not only theoretically... you need a hands-off speaking device for your cell phone so you have your hands free, otherwise there is a high fine - around 100€-200€, I think.
Same goes for an umbrella or anything else that would occupy your hands - you must have your hands free, otherwise there's a high fine. The law about this is relatively new, from April of this year.
Theoretically, as in "I never heard of a cyclist being fined for using a cell-phone." Umbrellas are allowed AFAIK, else it wouldn't make much sense for the ADFC (German cyclist organisation) to include in their tips that you shouldn't use one. Then they would have written that it's not allowed. Are you sure the law applies for bicyclists?