you can break those into two groups, basically: those that have been spoiled by their parents, friends, social status, etc.,
that's a good point. Weak or strange Japanese men I've met do seem to be in this bracket. (Mummy's boys across the world...)

Maybe my husband is an eccentric in Japan!
-My husband was basically left to fend for himself when he was 15 after his Mother died and Father withdrew into himself - cooking, cleaning etc ..... therefore he helps me with this and doesn't expect me to mother him....

-He's not a typical salary man - he hates office jobs even though they are better money ..... I'm so glad I don't have a husband who comes home at 10pm everynight!

I'm not making much sense I know, and I'm not bragging, just I'm trying to figure out if my hubby is the same underneath or can you get exceptions to the rule........