Just to clarify a couple things........

While Daoism and Confucianism can be considered a religion, they can also be considered political philosophies, because they have plenty of political philosophy within them. Likewise, while Marxism is often seen as primarily a political movement, it does have a religious philosophy which is of course rejection of religion as the "opium of the masses" as Marx put it. Even Mao's communism ultimately originated in the West, because Marx is the father of communism. Now as an atheist myself, I have no problems with this but many Chinese Taoists and Confucianists were put to death for adhering to their philosophies, both of which taught different politics of their own. Chinese communism destroyed China's traditional more advanced culture in place of some collectivist anti-freedom philosophy.

And why did the Chinese have to give up their clothing and architecture styles? Like I said, East Asian Architectural styles are not impractical in the modern age. All they have to use is different materials (substitute steel for wood). And hanfu clothing was used well into the modern age before the Qing invaded so they aren't impractical.

The CPC screwed everything up. If the KMT won the civil war China would be a superpower today with their entire culture preserved.