Are we talking about 1) people-to-people or 2) people-to-gov's ?
Isn't 1) usually "like" and 2) have mixed feelings ?
It's still too simplistic to ask for sweeping opinions; sending the wrong kind of message that forming one-worded opinions is okay, naturally expected, and even normal, and good. How about "difficult to say ?" for an answer.

Tonysoong has a point; maybe all countries have their fair share of liars, swindlers, and politicians. But why is it that in Japan, these three personalities converge into remorseless figureheads who get voted into public offices ??? Perhaps Korea and Taiwan, as former long-term colonies of Japan, should go around making surrogate apologies on behalf of Japan and normalize this dark corner of the earth. Of course, I don't know how effective it will be, or whether it will do any good for Japan, but there is partial truth in it too. In a way, it could be the starting point of coming to terms with our pasts.