Interesting post, Maciamo - just had two comments to make:

1) The examples 1,2, and 3 you gave for the "Japanese" definition of those concepts actually matches more closely what I see in Ireland than the "Western" view. Having now lived in Ireland for almost 4 years, I believe that there are more parallels to be drawn than differences between Japan and Ireland, their commonalities in culture stemming from their both being island cultures. In these cases, I don't find your "Western European" sensibilities being supported at all in Ireland. And from what I can tell of Chinese culture, I don't think mainland Chinese are of the "lying is necessary to protect others" mindset either - therefore I'm not sure if all of East Asia can be lumped in together this way.

2) Despite growing up in Canada, I've always believed that prostitution should be legal - in fact, when it used to be, it's my understanding that STDs were far more controlled (pre-WWII) because the government would require all registered prostitutes to be tested regularly for them. Personally, I ascribe to a combination of those definitions of concepts that you cited, Maciamo, and this is a particular example.